code of conduct
what is portland cocktail week?
Portland Cocktail Week strives to be the ultimate celebration of the bartender without shying away from our primary focus of professional development. Over the course of the week, expect intensive and career-building education, hands-on training and events intended to inspire, not intoxicate.
Each day is carefully planned for each student from morning until late night, and our expectation is that you will attend all of the events on your schedule. These events are intended to not only educate but inspire and build community. So, it is imperative that you attend every event. During the day, you can expect to delve deep into professional development. At night, we will showcase the bars and brands that lead the way in the craft cocktail movement.
Portland Cocktail Week requires 100% attendance to each assigned class and event throughout the week. Absences and tardies will be marked by the Education Team and will affect your ability to participate in PDXCW and other Lush Life Events.
After three (3) tardies, the student will be marked with an Unexcused absence.
We understand that sometimes there are legitimate reasons you have to miss class. To be cleared for an Excused Absence, please email liz@lushlifeproductions.com beforehand.
Medical Emergencies certainly fall within the realm of excused absences, but please let Liz know if you or someone in your group has fallen ill.
If there is no excusable reason for the student’s absence, the student may be removed from Portland Cocktail Week.
removal from program
The last thing we want to do is kick anyone out of the program, but to be clear about the ground rules before you all arrive, anything listed below makes you eligible for expulsion. If you are expelled, you cannot attend any further Portland Cocktail Week programming.
Students may be subject to expulsion under the following circumstances:
Causing harm to any student or their property
Disruptive or harmful behavior in classes or events
Harming other students or their property
Racist actions or words
Hate speech of any kind
Tampering with a sponsored activity in ANY way
Illegal drug use
Oregon Liquor Control Commission Laws
The Liquor Control Commission has a few rules we must abide by in Oregon. These rules are non-negotiable, and the OLCC often sends scouts to monitor our events. Any rules broken will result in a ticket and penalties administered to the festival. So, follow the rules.
Don’t drink directly from a bottle. Find a glass!
Open containers are not allowed outside the designated area of consumption.
During PDXCW, this area will be defined with fencing, ropes and/or outlined markers.
You cannot consume alcohol while serving. Yes, this means no shots, beers, or sips.
You must also be sober when you begin service, and we will check.
You are required to have your server’s permit on you anytime you are serving. All visitors, volunteers, and non-Oregon-based bartenders who will at any time be serving alcohol must keep Volunteer Server Permit on them during all shifts, which will be issued before the event.